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About the project

Duration: September 15th, 2007 - September 15th, 2008




TEMPUS project / Structural  and  Complementary  Measures

SM_SCM-T007B06-2006 (MD)

Country: Republic of Moldova

Specific project objective

Building up a Support Centre "Without borders" in the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics of the Moldova State University in Chisinau in close co-operation with the Faculty of Social Work, Sociology and Philosophy of MSU.

Expected outcomes

1. Common understanding and established communication rules among the CM
2. Knowledge of technological and pedagogical/didactic criteria of teaching VI students/ academics
3. Study regulations and examination rules (VI students)
4. Inclusion of VI students into HE and an Open Labour Market via public media

Expected outputs

1. Training course on Assistive Technology for academics and students
2. Training course on didactics and special communication aspects (academics)
3. Legal rules for admisson and support of VI students

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