Blind Union of Moldova (BUM)
The Blind Union of Moldova (co-ordinator)
The Blind Union of Moldova (BUM) is the coordinator of the project.
Currently about 9500 people in Moldova are visually impaired and members of BUM. The interest of BUM is based on the principles of “equity” and “solidarity”. A special accent of BUM's activities is the instruction and education of blind young people, the growing up of the new generation by offering better conditions for university and professional school students, by providing the necessary equipment, special computer programmes, mobility and orientation, communication and information.
Union of the Blind of Moldova
Columna Street 101
227012 Kishinev
Tel/Fax : +373 2 222 789
Contact person
Larisa Celan
head of Department of orientation and rehabilitation
Tel.: +373 22 222789, +373 22 229592
Fax. +373 22 224116