ExchangeAbility project promotion
Up one levelPresentation in the media, web-pages and at the conference
- To study with disability at university in Hungary is possible, is possible, is possible
- [Študovať so zdravotným postihnutím v Maďarsku sa dá - dá - dá.] Darina Ondrušová, a PhD student at Comenius University in Bratislava; member of the Slovak group visiting ELTE University in Budapest. In: Mladosť [Youth], Journal of young people with visual impairment. 2011, No. 3
- ExchangeAbility - support for study mobility of students with special needs
- [ExchangeAbility - podpora mobilít študentov so špecifickými potrebami] Elena Mendelová, director of the Support Centre for Students with Special Needs at Comenius University in Bratislava. In: Naša univerzita [Our University], Journal of Comenius University, 2011, No. 7, March 2011
- Report from visit at Eötvös Loránd University in Budapest (ExchangeAbility project)
- [Reportáž z návštevy Eötvös Loránd University v Budapešti. (Projekt ExchangeAbility)] Ondrej Bašták Ďurán, staff member of Muscular dystrophy organization in the Slovak Republic. In: Ozvena [Echo], journal of Muscular dystrophy organization in the Slovak Republic, 2011, No. 2
- Estonians in Bratislava
- [Estónci v Bratislave] Michal Herceg, radio publicist. In: Slovak radio REGINA, 9th February 2011
- Fostering mobility of students with disabilities
- [Podpora mobility študentov so zdravotným postihnutím] Elena Mendelová, director of the Support Centre for Students with Special Needs at Comenius University in Bratislava. PPT presentation at the international conference Universal Learning Design. Abstract. Brno, February 2011 (
- ExchangeAbility: Fostering Mobility of Students with Disabilities / flyer
- leták o projekte ExchangeAbility
- Trip, which was not only a trip
- [Výlet, ktorý nebol len výletom] Michaela Briatková and Dominika Balabánová, students of Comenius University in Bratislava; members of the Slovak group visiting the Final Café Event in Brussels, November 2011. In : Mladosť [Youth], Journal of young people with visual impairment. 2011, No. 6
- About the project, underrepresentation and opportunities
- [O projekte, nízkych počtoch a príležitostiach] Matej Golian, student of Comenius University in Bratislava; member of the Slovak group visiting the Final Café Event in Brussels, November 2011. In : Mladosť [Youth], Journal of young people with visual impairment. 2011, No. 6