Osobné nástroje
cesta: Titulná stránka Podporné centrum pre zrakovo postihnutých študentov Projekty ExchangeAbility Fostering mobility of students with disabilities
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Fostering mobility of students with disabilities

About the project


exchangeability                                                                  EU_lifelong_learning_programme



According to the data from the EC, during the academic year 2006/07 over 140 disabled students participated in Erasmus (LLP/NA/ERA/19/08rev). This represents 0.09 pc of all Erasmus students. Although an increase compared to the previous years has been observed, the number is still exceptionally low.

Interested organisations are propose a project that will enable students with disabilities to participate more fully in exchange programmes. The idea is to stimulate the mobility of students with disabilities by organising site visits to the five European universities. The visits will be organised by the partner universities with the cooperation and involvement of the ‘ExchangeAbility Ambassadors’ (students with disabilities) from both welcoming and sending universities.

A group consisted of ExchangeAbility Ambassadors, university teachers/officials, former Erasmus students and other stakeholders will promote their home institution in terms of exchange programmes, stressing especially the opportunities and possibilities for the mobility of students with disabilities at their home university and city. The visits will be combined with the preparation of an awareness raising campaign on the needs of young persons with disabilities and their inclusion in the EHEA mobility flows.



November 1st, 2010 - October 31st, 2011


Aims and objectives of the project

Special attention will be put on the following factors:

  • Encouraging a higher number of students with disabilities to go for an exchange and the quality of these exchanges
  • Raising awareness among all the groups involved: university officials, students with and without disabilities, pointing out opportunities of participating in the exchange programmes.
  • Creating a group of ExchangeAbility Ambassadors that will promote exchange programmes among other students with disabilities during and after the lifetime of the project
  • Providing information on accessibility facilities available at the universities of the pilot group
  • Prodiving audiovisual material and showing cases of good practice able to reach students with disabilities and their close environment


Other aims of the project are:

  • Increasing the involvement of students with disabilities in the community in general
  • Creating cooperation between universities and students, as well as between disabled students themselves and with other stakeholders involved in the inclusion of people with disabilities
  • Changing the mind-set of the target groups involved about the mobility of students with disabilities

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